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Sensual Sovereignity

Claim your Power and Pleasure

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Welcome to Sensual Sovereignity!


A journey to Claiming your Power and Pleasure!


Join me as we embark on a 4 week supported journey to self care and healing. By the end


Hove you been feeling disconnected from you body?

Struggling to find the time or discipline to practice your self care?

Want to learn more about the power of your womb?

Want to embrace your sexuality and dive deeper into the realms of pleasure?


Want to connect to other women on the same journeys as you?


Sensual Sovereignty will entail 4 masterclass workshops over 4 weeks


Orgasm Anatomy

Cycle Living

Womb Healing

Throat Empowerment


All classes are carefully curated and designed to help you embrace your power and femininity. 

A balance of theory and Practice, you will leave after the 4 weeks, a new woman fully empowered and aware of your potential.


If you would like to come to one class in particular, you may book a class separetely or you can book them all together.


£15 per class


£50 for all for 4


We will meet every Friday (Venus day) at 7pm for the duration of August.

All sessions will be recorded and sent to you if you cannot make it, although live participation is advised.


Orgasm Anatomy

This class will be focused on your abilty to surrender your body to complete orgasmic bliss. I will give you the tools go learn and practice effective, healing, loving self pleasure, while aiding you with the anatomy education you wish you were taught in school! 


Cycle Living

Learn how to live in accordance to your menstrual cycle, learn the best times of your cycle to plan, exercise, have sex, rest, dream and more! Life really does flow so much easier when we sureender to tour natural rythm and cycle.


Womb Healing

Here, I iwll share all about womb healing and give you the tool and a place to start! I'll teach you about herbs, yoni steaming, meditation, how to do your own inner work for your womb and we will cover womb rituals and menstrual care.


Throat Empowerment

This class will be all about speaking your truth and owning your power and advocating for your boundaries. I will teach you about the connections between the throat and womb and how to use your voice for manifestation.



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    15 British pounds
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